Oh no!

Lydia has pneumonia!!!

She was so cranky this morning.  I have never seen her like this before.  Immediately when I got her up, she refused her bottle.  Didn’t want to be held. Didn’t want to be let go. Shook her head yes to eat but then when I got her food, she moved her arms to get it out of her way.  We scheduled a doctor appointment because I thought maybe she had an ear infection…but instead it was fluid in her lungs…not ears.

But she is still adorable.  Here she is in the park.  Hopefully she feels better soon.

Oh and she started crawling today!!!! Like really crawling…like across the room crawling.  All while being sick!  Yay!!!

One thought on “Oh no!

  1. Woot woot! I get to see her in 9 days! Hope she feels better soon! Tell Alden GG is going to bring him her pasta salad with feta cheese!! Hope he still likes it!!

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